Pregnancy confirmed!!! We are expecting puppies before end of May from Ch Duchessa of Cindyland “Duci” and WW, EW Tombola’s Dragonheart “Bobo”

Father: WW, EW, Int Ch Tombola’s Dragonheart “Bobo” (Blackhawk Finnegan Wake x Casso’s Martella), HD/A, ED/0, DCM clear N/N, WW 2018, EW 2018, JWW 2014, Bundessieger 2014,2017,2018, Int Ch, Ch Serbia, Ch Croatia, Ch Germany VDH, Ch Austria, Ch Hungary, Ch Poland, multi BIS.
Mother: Ch Duchessa of Cindy Land (Nois Epoha Masaal Master x Clytia Pepper Grand Calvera) HD/A, ED/0, DCM clear N/N, Ch Serbia, Junior Ch Serbia, 1xClub Winner, 2xPuppy Club Winner, 1xDerby Winner, 6xVP, 3xJCAC, 5xCAC, 5xBOB, 1xBOG3, 1xBabyBIS3, 1xPuppyBIS, 2xPuppyBIS2.